
‘One Greek Summer Wedding’ by Mandy Baggot


Love is in the air…

When singer Cara is invited to a big, fat Greek wedding in Corfu, she sees it as a mixed blessing: some time to heal on the beautiful Greek island with her aunt will be a tonic, but it’s going to stir up memories – of before Seb ghosted her and disappeared off the face of the earth.  

Akis Diakos, brother of the groom, should be looking forward to planning the bachelor party, but burdened by the weight of family expectation, his mind is elsewhere: he has a decision to make – one that could, apparently, ruin his little brother’s life forever. 

When Cara learns that her aunt Margot brought her here under false pretences, she’s faced with a dilemma. She’s not sung in public since that fateful day at Eurovision when her life fell apart, and she’s not planning to now. But with Akis’s encouragement, it’s time for both of them to face up to their fears. 

And who knows – maybe this beautiful duet will also lead to a beautiful romance? 

My Review

I have been a fan of Mandy and her work for a while. I haven’t quite caught up with everything that she has written but I’m not far behind. I read the synopsis of ‘One Greek Summer Wedding’ and it certainly sounded like the sort of book I have come to expect from Mandy – a fun and light hearted romantic comedy with laughs, love and life aplenty. Well it was certainly all that and so much more. I really enjoyed reading ‘One Greek Summer Wedding’ but more about that in a bit.

It didn’t take me long at all to get into this story. In fact by the time I got to the end of the first few pages, I knew that I was going to become addicted to the story and as a result I would find it nigh on impossible to put the book down for any length of time. I was spot on in both predictions. Part of the reason why I enjoyed the story so much has to do with the fact that I loved both of the main characters, Cara and Akis, and it didn’t take me long before I felt as though they had become friends of mine rather than characters in a book. In their own ways, both lead characters have had their problems and have put a wall up to protect themselves. Both were lovely and I kept everything crossed that each would find happiness. My desperation to find out what happened steadily grew as I made my way through the book. The more of the book that I read, the more I wanted to read and the quicker the pages seemed to turn. I was so wrapped up in the story and in the lives of the different characters that I didn’t realise just how quickly the time was passing and how quickly I was getting through the book. All too quickly I reached the end of ‘One Greek Summer Wedding’ and I had to say goodbye to Cara, Akis and the rest of the characters. I found ‘One Greek Summer Wedding’ to be a delight to read from start to finish with lots of life, love and laughs aplenty.

‘One Greek Summer Wedding’ is extremely well written but then I have come to expect nothing less from Mandy Baggot. Mandy has an easy going writing style that is easy to get used to and easy to get along with. In fact Mandy’s books read more like a chat between friends than an actual book. I hope that makes sense. Mandy’s love for her characters shines through in the very vivid and realistic way in which she describes them. She makes her characters seem just as real as you and I. As I mentioned earlier, Cara and Akis felt more like friends rather than characters in a book. I love the way in which Mandy makes the reader feel as though they are part of the story and at the heart of the action. Mandy describes Corfu so vividly that if I were to close my eyes, it would be easy to imagine that I was there in Corfu with the sun beating down on my face rather than the reality which is that I was sat reading the story in a very wet and cool North East of England.

In short, I really enjoyed reading ‘One Greek Summer Wedding’ and I would recommend this book to other readers. I hope to read much more of Mandy’s work in the future. The score on the Ginger Book Geek board is a very well deserved 4* out of 5*.

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