
‘The Life Sentence’ by Jackie Kabler


Convicted. Jailed. All for a crime that never even happened…

My name is Amber Ryan.

I’m in prison, but I’m innocent.

And I’ve been jailed not just for a crime I didn’t commit, but for a crime that never even happened.

Now, my friend is going to try to prove it.

But to do that, she has to go back.

Back to the dark place.

And I know she may not get out alive…

My Review

I have been a fan of Jackie and her work for a while. I don’t just mean in the book sense either as I used to watch her when she was a reporter on a particular television breakfast show. I have read and thoroughly enjoyed each and every book that she has released to date. When I heard that Jackie was due to release another book, I knew that I had to grab a copy at the earliest opportunity and hibernate until after I had read the very last word on the very last page. Well ladies and gents the wait is over because Jackie’s new release is called ‘The Life Sentence’ and it was released on 9th May 2024. I thoroughly enjoyed reading ‘The Life Sentence’ but more about that in a bit.

The fact that I saw Jackie’s name on the cover of a book that I knew I hadn’t read yet was enough to grab my attention and draw me in. As soon as I started reading, well that was it. I quickly realised three things- firstly that I was reading something special, secondly that I would become addicted to the story and thirdly that I would find it nigh on impossible to put the book down for any length of time. Well I must be psychic as that is exactly what happened. I picked the book up only intending to read a chapter or two but I became so wrapped up in the story that I was still there reading over 2 hours later. My Kindle wasn’t exactly glued to my hand but it might as well have been because it travelled everywhere with me. I just couldn’t bear to miss a single second of the story. The more of the book that I read, the more I wanted to read and the quicker the pages seemed to turn. All too quickly I reached the end of ‘The Life Sentence’. I found ‘The Life Sentence’ to be a tense, dramatic and gripping story which certainly kept me guessing and kept me on the edge of my seat throughout.

‘The Life Sentence’ is superbly written but then I have come to expect nothing less from Jackie Kabler. Jackie certainly knows who to grab the reader’s attention and draw them into what proves to be one hell of a story and then some. For me, this was one of those stories which hit the ground running and maintained a steady pace throughout. Jackie describes her characters so vividly and so realistically that they seem just as real as you and I. In some cases terrifyingly realistic. Reading ‘The Life Sentence’ felt like being on an at times scary and rather unpredictable rollercoaster ride with more twists and turns than you would find on a ‘Snakes & Ladders’ board. Just when you thought that you could take a moment to gather your thoughts and catch your breath then off the action would go again. I love the way in which Jackie makes the reader feel as though they are part of the story and at the heart of the action. ‘The Life Sentence’ is a superbly written and superbly plotted story.

In short, I thoroughly enjoyed reading ‘The Life Sentence’ and I wholeheartedly recommend this book to other readers. ‘The Life Sentence’ has to be my favourite book written by Jackie so far. The score on the Ginger Book Geek board is a very well deserved 5* out of 5*.

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